1: Tell us a bit more about your role at Digme

I teach Rhythm Cycle at Digme both online for Digme at Home and across their London studios. 


2: What gives you the most job satisfaction?

When someone walks in for the first time, feeling self conscious or maybe a little intimidated and leaves feeling elated, confident and powerful! I am big on my classes being about emotional wellbeing as well as physical wellbeing - a safe and inclusive place for all! Seeing clients come back class after class and transform in self confidence as well as ability is the most rewarding thing about this job and 100% why I do it. 


3: What has been the proudest moment of your career so far?

Representing Digme and our Rhythm Cycle  concept for Children in Need on the BBC, Guest instructing Joe Wicks for his 24 hour PE challenge (I must also mention Digme client/Legend Ben Shephard who joined in too and then gave me a shout out on GMB the next morning)!! I am also very proud of getting down to the final 5 out of 5000 applicants to join Joe Wicks and his team at the Body Coach - I don’t make the final 3 but getting down to 5 out of so many was a really amazing achievement I am super proud of. 


4: What were your ambitions growing up and did you see any barriers of getting where you wanted to be?

My dream from childhood was to be a professional dancer and ballet was always my favourite. When I was in my first year of professional training I was in a serious car accident and badly damaged my knee. This changed where I was heading in my career, and that really was difficult to overcome emotionally as well as physically. I went on to have a successful dance career but I was never as able as I was pre injury and in such a physically demanding profession such as dance, any injury can really change your overall ability.  I no longer see this as holding me back, as I wouldn’t have found the path I am on now and I do believe everything happens for a reason, but it took me a while to get to this place, I was angry/frustrated/why me etc about it for a long time. 


5: What has been your experience of living through the pandemic?

I have been very lucky that I was able to continue teaching on DAH throughout the pandemic, giving me much needed structure and purpose. I also got engaged during the pandemic so it wasn’t all bad! P.S I couldn’t have survived it without my dog/best friend Mouse the pom! 


6: Describe what its like working for Digme in 3 words.

Creative, Joyful and Rewarding. 


Additional Info 

Sophie also suffers with the chronic illness, endometriosis. Endometriosis is a long-term condition where tissue similar to the lining of the womb grows in other places, such as the ovaries and fallopian tubes. She is passionate about raising awareness of the disease and educating others on symptoms, so people can reach a diagnosis quicker than the current average of 10 years. 1 in 10 women are predicted to have endo, yet it is so unheard of and misunderstood by medical professionals. She, alongside her other fellow endometriosis warriors are fighting for awareness, action and understanding!