We caught up with Ride instructor Tom for a quick Q and A. More below!

Tom, talk us through 3 tips for success in your classes...

Bring your 100% 

Smile and have fun

Get ready to sweat!

What can members expect from your classes? 

My class centre around great music and pushing limits with the hope to leave you sweating, but with a smile on your face.

What do you love about teaching Ride at Digme?

I love encouraging members to overcome mental barriers, putting mind over matter and pushing through those challenges. 

What inspires you? 

My inspiration comes from the music. The energy this gives me, I put into my class, so that everyone is having as good a time as me!’

Where can our members find you teaching?

You can find me in the studio:

Tuesday 6.30am Covent Garden 

Tuesday 8.30am Moorgate 

Thursday 7pm Covent Garden 

Sunday 10.30am Bank

Check out Tom's profile and book a class with Tom here!