Practicing yoga at home is easy, now more than ever!

A silver lining of our current situation with isolation is that you can join our yoga instructors' online classes without the travel to and from a studio.

Why should we practice yoga?

It’s now more important than it’s ever been. Yoga is a way to keep moving, to alleviate stress and anxiety over our current situation, and to fill your days with something healthy and positive rather than going straight for the bottle of wine.

Yoga challenges the body while keeping a calm mental state through controlling the breath. It teaches us how to cope with challenges we face every day. Learning to mindfully breathe, helps us move from our sympathetic to our parasympathetic nervous system, our ‘rest and restore’, rather than our ‘fight or flight’, which is overall better for our wellbeing.

The author Michele Goldberg put it perfectly - ‘You don’t have to believe in anything, even yoga itself, to find joy and solace in the conscious joining of breath and movement’.

How can I get involved?

The wonderful thing about yoga is that you don’t need very much to try it. Ideally you’d have a mat of some sort, but a rug or the carpet would suffice at the very beginning, before your shiny new Yogibare mat is delivered by the socially distanced delivery man! If you’re looking to buy a mat, the Digme Yogibare mat is my favourite!

Start by creating a sanctuary for yourself. It can be a small space, for your mat, two blocks if you have them, a cushion and maybe some candles or incense burning. Place your laptop or phone in front of you so that you can follow the class, and away you go.

Finding the right class and the right teacher is often the biggest challenge and is a process of trialling a bunch until you find the right style and right vibe for you. We are offering a whole range of live Yoga classes on the Digme Instagram, so it's a perfect way for you to join us and see which class is right for you!

Digme offers many different styles of yoga, from our Yin classes, where we hold postures in a more relaxing manner to calm the mind whilst improving circulation and flexibility, to our more athletic breath lead Vinyasa yoga in our Power or Flow classes, where the combination of breath and movements allows us to find a moving meditation.

Digme’s Unwind class is a beautiful blend of these two - Power/Flow to bring you up, and Yin to wind you down. We also offers Beginners classes online, for those who want to give this transformative practice a go.

Just remember, yoga is challenging. Come to the mat with no expectations. Let it be whatever it is. It might take a little bit of time to get the hang of it, but with practice and consistency, you’ll see the magic unfold before you. And most importantly, enjoy it!

We'd love for you to join us for an online Yoga class whilst our studio doors are closed. Check out the latest schedule on our Instagram, and see you on the mat soon!