I've wanted to try this challenge for well over a year. I frequently ride with some inspirational centurion finishers and felt encouraged by them to go for it. After I completed the 12-Digs of Christmas and rode so often in December, I felt the momentum start to build and after the new year I planned to get through my 100 classes starting with my rides in December. I knew I wanted to start 2023 with a personal challenge and felt the timing was right to set myself up for this lofty goal.
The most difficult aspect of the 100 digs was the consistency and commitment needed over such a long period. There were some rides in there where I would have rather not gone to class, but once you're 20, 30, or 40 rides in, that's just not an option. The discipline that it takes to shape your life around getting to the studio (nearly) every day for over three months is pretty substantial. I tried to keep my head down and just tick the rides off, but it became pretty obvious what I was doing and once the word spread around I also felt a sense of commitment to those around me. Once the cat was out of the bag, I felt firmly embedded in the challenge. I was often asked, "how's it going?" and "how many rides have you done?". Which was sometimes difficult to answer, but feeling that support from the community propped me up when I was feeling tired or less motivated.
Would you do the challenge again?
If I could go back in time, I would absolutely go for it again! It is difficult when you're in the middle of something to appreciate the gravity of what you're doing and fully take in the experience. To me, it was just something I needed to get through to prove to myself I could do it. I guess it is similar to life - sometimes you get through your obligations without stopping to smell the roses and take in the beauty of movement and connection - but it makes such a difference when you do. So, if I was to redo the challenge, knowing what I know now, I would feel a bit less pressure and just enjoy the process.
What’s the biggest thing you’ve learnt from the last 100 rides?
The best lesson from the last 100 rides is that the people around you make all the difference. I was able to honestly share how I was feeling and lean on some great friends. Some incredibly inspirational people ride at Digme and getting to know their stories was a massive highlight. I have also made many new friends from being at the studio so often and I feel really lucky to have this experience that keeps paying dividends. I truly believe you can achieve whatever goal you set for yourself, so just stay positive and go big!
Money and donations were raised for a local charity called Vineyard Community and Richmond Food Bank. Digme riders donated to a great cause that will have a positive impact on so many people who benefit from Vineyard Community’s services - including the elderly, those suffering from homelessness, addiction, mental health issues, domestic abuse, and others who need help with life’s critical necessities. You can learn more about their amazing work at https://www.vineyardcommunity.org/.
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