Since day 1, we've been on a mission to empower all women through fitness and beyond since we started, and from front of house to head office, and our community of course, Digme is run on a healthy dose of girl power! To celebrate International Women’s Day, we caught up with Caoimhe, the fabulous Founder of Digme.

"The one thing I have learnt in life is that there’s never a “right time” to turn a dream into reality. You just have to jump or it’ll never happen. Whether it’s racing an Ironman, leaving a career in law to set up Digme, dreaming up Digme when Alex was a baby & having Ben two weeks before we opened our first studio, setting up Digme at Home the day after we closed our studios for lockdown 1 in the midst of so much uncertainty - if you think too much about it, you'll never do it and it'll just stay in your dreams.

I remember visiting Digme Beach in Kona, Hawaii to cheer on Geoff in the Ironman World Championships. I was an ultra runner & fair weather cyclist who was terrified of the idea of swimming in open water - especially in an Ironman with a couple of thousand people thrashing through the water together!

I’ve been inspired by many wonderful women in all walks of life but meeting Chrissie Wellington on that trip really moved me. Chrissie had no ambitions to become a professional triathlete and didn’t even discover sport until her early 20s, but went on to become the greatest female endurance athlete in the world. Chrissie’s drive and determination were inspirational. She said “I never go into a race expecting to win, but I do go in expecting to fight.”

Chatting to Chrissie in Kona, as well as so many “ordinary” but actually quite extraordinary people, each with their own wonderful story about their journey to the start line at Digme Beach, inspired me to face my fears and sign up for an Ironman. 

And Chrissie’s words have stuck in my head. Only you can chase your dreams and make them happen.

Geoff commented this morning, “14 out of 20 in the Digme Head Office team are women, our two Master Trainers are women and we have a female Founder. Digme is a testament to the strength of women.” I am grateful to be surrounded by so many wonderful & inspirational women (and the guys are pretty decent too!) every day.

Happy International Women’s Day everyone, and I'm looking forward to seeing you in our IWD classes this week on Digme at Home!! If you haven't already booked in, what are you waiting for?!"