Annie is one of our newest Ride instructors, with a background in dance Annie has recently started to pursue a career in fitness and found a new love for teaching on the bike. Here's what you can expect from Annie's classes!

What can members expect from your classes?

A variety of speed and strength work which will keep you on your toes! Always a challenge with a guarantee of a great playlist that’ll help push you to the next level and keep you motivated to do your very best no matter how you’re feeling. Most importantly, leave the studio sweaty and smiley!

What inspires you?

 Music that’s able to create an energy and atmosphere that encourages myself and others to truly push ourselves, even on days where we may not feel our best. 

 What do you love about teaching at Digme?

 I love teaching at Digme as it’s such a community based place which allows you to push yourself to your limits, whilst being surrounded by incredibly inspiring, loving and FUN people coming together as teams from all walks of life. 

What are your 3 top tips for success in your classes

Be willing to do your best, whatever that may be that session! 

Lose yourself in the music and lyrics and let it take you through your session.

Most importantly... Don't forget to breathe! Enjoy the moment and I promise you’ll be able to push yourselves more than you think! 

Find Annie teaching in Richmond on a Tuesday at 7.30am, and Saturday at 11am - get yourself booked in!

Frances Merry