Meet Frances Merry - our new Head of Ride!

Frances been in the Digme family since 2018, & you can find her on the timetable in Richmond, Moorgate and on Digme at Home. Frances' classes are always musically driven, expect heavy climbs, euphoric flat roads and the occasional challenge! Frances took up running and road cycling during lockdown and completed her first marathon in 2022, look out for her running along the river or cycling in Richmond Park on Sunday mornings!

We asked Frances five facts about her! Here's what she has to say:

1) I have a really sweet tooth, the best present you could buy me would be chocolate, even better if it’s Cadburys Easter eggs.

2) My ideal holiday would be 2 weeks on a beach on a Greek island eating greek salad for every meal

3)I started running during the first lock down, ran my first marathon in 2022 and recently achieved a half marathon PB of 1.26.16.

4) If I were to get a puppy, it would be a Bedlington-whippet (google it)!

5) My favourite challenge in class is a 5 minute watts/kg and there is always a long climb in my classes!

Catches Frances in a studio near you!

Frances - Instructor Profile